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Kalahari Melon Oil (Citrullus Lanatus)

Kalahari Melon oil (Citrullus lanatus) derives from the seeds of the wild watermelon native to the plains of Southern Africa, and currently growing mostly in Namibia and Botswana. This African oil is nourishing and hydrating, which is concentrated for skin cell recovery and moisture balance. Kalahari melon seed oil is a great choice for a natural facial cleanse. The oil is super-rich in linolenic acid; which makes up between 50% and 70% of its entire content. Used on the face, it gets to work unclogging pores and removing excess sebum from the surface of your skin. Since it is full of rich antioxidants and vitamins, this oil can reduce the appearances of wrinkles and fine lines while also making the skin look firm and supple. Kalahari melon oil creates a very dry oil that absorbs quickly into your skin without leaving behind a greasy or sticky residue. The lightweight and fast-absorbing texture benefits all skin types, including those with oily skin.

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