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Melanie Tritt's Mission with Moon Beings


Melanie Tritt Moon Beings Founder

Blood Orange, Kalahari Melon, and Pineapple Fruit Extract. These are just a few of the scent-sational ingredients that make up the retinol alternative skincare brand Moon Beings. 

An unwelcome skin disorder that traditional dermatology practices only exacerbated is what propelled Melanie Tritt to create her award winning brand. Formulating products had always been a hobby of hers so when she noticed that her rosacea responded better to Black Currant Seed Oil and a variety of pure fair trade certified oils over antibiotics and steroids, she knew she was onto something.

Quickly, a unique and beautifully crafted collection of hydrating and healing facial serums, cleansers, creams and hydrosols was born, during a pandemic no doubt. Using the power of plant and marine actives, rich micronutrients called carotenoids along with amino acids and fruit enzymes, Melanie's rosacea disappeared and was replaced with a successful business. 

Beautyologie recently spoke with Melanie about this journey and is thrilled to now offer some of her fair trade formulated favorites on our platform. 

I love the celestial theme of Moon Beings. What was your intention with this?

    I branded the line in a space theme based on its inspirational qualities and its majesty. Space and its beauty mirror the beauty of earth and are inclusive of our solar system. Space reminds us of the earth stewards we should be and this is the message and community I hope to evoke. Also, I feel its time to see something unique in the skincare beauty space.

    Moon Beings Watermelon Serum

    Who is the Moon Beings customer?

    Our customers are smart buyers who know ingredients and who are looking for a retinol alternative line for sensitive skin while getting luxury boutique skincare at accessible pricing. At the same time, they want products that are ethically sourced, sustainably packaged and want to feel like they're getting something very special and unique. 

    What sets your products apart from the rest of the pack?

    Moon Beings products are potent and concentrated. They are waterless, adhere to best skin pH performance and barrier protection. The formulations for all Moon Beings products are to energize and stimulate your skin gently, but to continuously support cell regeneration and collagen production at the same time.

    What made you want to start a skincare brand?

    I started a skincare brand out of my own necessity. I was experiencing auto immune induced rosacea. Conventional dermatology being antiquated (in my opinion) only offered me steroids and antibiotics which only worsened my skin and it was extremely painful. Having years as a hobbyist skincare formulator, I was self-educated and ultimately became a certified formulator. I started healing my skin with Black Currant Seed Oil and Jojoba which ultimately became Moon Beings Moon Glow Oil. The line grew as I saw products on the market I wanted, but couldn’t use on my sensitive skin.

    How has your previous professional helped you break into this industry?

    With an agency background in loyalty programs, brand start-ups and co-blended branded campaigns, I set out to create a community of brand founders who believed in community over competition. I started the community, Brands That Bond, which showcases brands that are eco-conscious, packed in glass and have a community give-back program. This was an amazing sales funnel mutually for brands involved. It was a great launch pad for Moon Beings and I hope to one day to make it a larger platform for founder support, education and organic growth. I highly recommend brands start working together and have an organic strategy.

    Can you share a bit of what it was like starting a clean, ethically sourced and efficacious brand from scratch? 

    I was deliriously excited to be able to offer what I would call a "pure" line. I simply could not find this in the market in 2019, and it’s still lacking. I would see products that were in the "clean beauty" area, but found they had acrylates or very little of the active ingredient. To add, even in so-called clean beauty, the formulated ingredient combinations are sometimes extremely high in skin aggressors. Once you understand formulation, you’ve seen behind the curtain and with this education comes an understanding of what’s a no-no – or a potential “uh-oh”. I don’t think marketing should drive formulation. It's formulation first.

    Moon Beings Celestial-C Vitamin C Serum

    How do you source your ingredients? And what are the most important ingredient pillars for you?

    I source all my ingredients from vegan and cruelty-free suppliers. Also, they are fair trade, helping to equalize a mutual economy. All our actives are purchased from manufacturers that have clinicals for efficacy. Our efficacy result standard is 75% minimum from our suppliers.  

    Who are some female beauty entrepreneurs you look up to and why? 

    One of my favorite beauty entrepreneurs is skincare founder, Kendra Kolb Butler of Alpyn Beauty. I love her formulations, her ethos, and her commitment to nature and family. It's rare to see 100% authenticity from brand founders. I, too, left the corporate world to embrace what my body and soul were telling me. As well, our family left for a smaller, out-of-the-city life in 2018. I’d be remiss to not also mention skincare founder, Annie Tevelin of SkinOwl. She was one of the first brands to embrace me without competition and participate in Brands That Bond. Another big city – turned to smaller town transplant. We both align with smaller living, local community and investing your time on this earth wisely.

    What is your favorite Moon Beings product?

    Watermelon Moon Oil Serum is my favorite because it’s so versatile and has a range of multi-benefits for your skin and hair. Kalahari Melon Oil is such a beautiful rich yet fast absorbing oil that complements all skin types, and it feels so luxurious. It's up there and (even better in my opinon) than beloved oils like Marula, Rose Hip or Prickly Pear.

    When does inspiration usually strike you?

    Inspiration comes to me usually through music, food and nature. Drop me in a forest for week and I’ll come home with 100 new things I’ve decided I want to do or try. But for skincare, usually I’m most inspired when I discover a new gap in the beauty industry that isn’t being offered for someone with my skin type. I’m overly inspired sometimes. I love making new formulations and have to curb myself a lot.

    Moon Beings Moon Glow Oil

    How has this pandemic affected you personally as a working mom? 

    When the pandemic hit, we had already coincidentally been in quarantine for two years with a child who was at-risk and undergoing treatment. However, still I found the pandemic to be the time to really assess what is important in life. I also found it to be enlightening and it shifted my perspective. Foremost, we have a short amount of time on this planet. I did carve out time for business, but equally for life and relationships. It wasn’t easy to launch during the pandemic, however the ethos for Moon Beings seemed right on time.

    Who is your biggest champion?

    My husband is my biggest champion and best friend. We built 17 years together and he’s my rock. Neither of us would be who we are today without each other. I have to also say that Moon Beings has been so fortunate to work with such great influencers who really believe in the products and want to see me succeed and strongly believe in our ethos. Of course, our buyers – our loyal customers.

    What is on the horizon for Moon Beings?

    Moon Beings will be opening a new store in spring of 2022 in Temecula, California – a winery & arts town just north of San Diego.

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