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The Study of Finding Beauty in Life

Beautyologie’s Blog celebrates and shines a spotlight on the brand owners, social enterpreneurs and producers making the world a more beautiful place.

Melanie Tritt's Mission with Moon Beings
  Blood Orange, Kalahari Melon, and Pineapple Fruit Extract. These are just a few of the scent-sational ingredients that make up the retinol alter...
How LUXE Botanics' Jene Roestorf Makes the Beauty World a Better Place
When I began assembling Beautyologie late last year, reaching out to fair trade, ethical and sustainable beauty brands to share my mission and gau...
Dr. Stephan Helary's Botanical Beauty, Terres D'Afrique
Have you ever looked into the background of the skincare products you use? Sadly, a lot of us don’t, and we end up supporting brands that don’t va...
Fair Trade is a global movement designed to help producers in developing countries achieve decent and sustainable trade relationships. They help create solutions to issues such as overuse of natural resources, poor working conditions, equal rights, women’s empowerment, refugee livelihoods and sustainable farming.

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