Moringaia is a mission with a skincare brand, not the other way around.  In 2012, Agroforester and co-founder Ben-Yam visited the Dominican Republic's most drought-stricken area and came across the miraculous Moringa trees that flourished in this arduous environment. Moringa, locally known as El Arbol De La Libertad (Tree of Liberty), provides shade, attracts pollinators, and holds the earth to prevent mudslides while its leaves and seeds are packed with nutrients. Seeing the need for more Moringa trees for the benefit of both people and the planet, Ben-Yam set out to create a product that, in turn, created a demand for Moringa in rural communities.
Hence, a skincare brand based around this efficacious oil was born. The core mission at Moringaia is to end deforestation by planting more trees and regenerating the soil we live on. The extra is the nourishing and truly natural skincare that comes as a result of this work.